Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Long Weekend

Friday: We had a Hail and Farewell/Christmas party at the LtCol's house this night. It was fun! It was a potluck dinner, so there was a variety of awesome food. We had a white elephant gift exchange too - we brought a Holiday Five Pack - and we got a beer mug and a laser pointer pen. Then everyone got drunk (save me, being the DD), we played Rock Band on his huge projection screen TV, ping pong, chatted... it was a good night, if not awkward for me, being a cadet at a cadre party!

Saturday: We had to get up early for the commissioning ceremony. It started at 10am and 4 cadets became 2LT's, which is pretty cool. Then we hung out for the afternoon, because Brandon felt sick, and watched a movie. Later that evening was a party at Judy's house. We played beer pong and ate pizza, though I didn't drink again because I was driving!

Sunday: Today was my grocery shopping and laundry day. So that's what I did! We really just hung out for the day, watched a movie, cleaned, played games, etc. It was our day to relax and recuperate.

Monday: We hung out with Jessica all day! It was the best day out of all four. We picked Jessica up after dropping the Mustang at the dealership. Then we brought her to our house, ate some Brie and crackers, then went on a hike up to the Austin Bluffs rock (I know it has a name, I don't know what it is though...). Then we loaded Sims2 on Brandon's computer, so me and Jess could play in the same room! Afterwards, we went to get Rock Band from a guy off Craigslist that we traded for Brandon's paintball gear. We totally rocked on Rock Band for hours until I had to drive Jessica home!

It was a good weekend. I can't until Christmas!! 2 more days!

<3 Chantal