Friday, January 9, 2009

Gone, baby, gone

Brandon left this morning at 5am. I cried, of course. We've had a very busy week, with different social engagements and getting all our errands done. I kept my chin up and tried to stay strong and happy for him. I mean, what else can you do? He's leaving for the better part of a year (or the worst part?), and we can't do anything about it. This isn't the first time we've been apart, so I know the deal. It's just different.

Truth is, I'm terrified. I think I've been denying him leaving. And then him leaving, I compared it to all the other times he left, it'll just be longer than before. But oh my god, when he comes back, everything will be different. He'll be a platoon leader and have a real job. I won't be in college anymore. Hopefully I'll be an officer and about to know my branch, and about to start my own Army adventure. We're going to buy a house, start an IRA or two, move... wow, we're getting older, getting responsibilities, and everything is changing.

I'm going to repeat to myself this every time I feel bad: Every day is a new challenge, take every day one at a time. It'll put things into perspective for me. I need to stop looking so many months ahead and concentrated more on the present. Really, that's all we have.
