Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Workout Day One

I started my Wii Active workout today! I haven't worked out since, like, November, so it was time for a change. I told myself as soon as Brandon started back up at work and my dad and stepmom left, I would start. Well, Brandon's four day weekend (thanks to MLK Jr. Day) ended yesterday and it was back to work for both of us today!

It was a hard workout! I did the medium-intensity and now I think I should've gone low-intensity... Well, I'm sure the medium was fine for me, I'm just a little wimp! :P Anyway, it started with a run in place (hurt my feet but I did it) and then continued to a combination of arm exercises and leg exercises. TONS of squats. My thighs and butt hurt. But it's a good hurt.

I'm doing the 30 Day Challenge on the Wii Active. Today is Day One... I should weigh myself and then keep track. I don't totally need to lose weight as much as maintain my weight. I'm back to eating healthier (does enchiladas count?) and I'm back to getting my schedule in order. Life is good!

Time to apply for jobs now...