Friday, May 7, 2010


Finally I'm getting around to entering these two contests I found. With my new job and with Brandon being around all the time, I can't find time to get a simple blog written! But here it is.

Contest #1

I just started following The Journey of a Navy Wife's blog when I stumbled upon this new Military Spouse contest!

I'm supposed to say what being a military spouse means to me, but to tell the truth, I don't know yet. I mean, it's been a way of life since I got married, though I entered this military spouse business a different way. Originally, we were both going to be military spouses! I was in Army ROTC and set on being an officer. However, I got injured and even though we tried to fix it, my feet were ruined and I couldn't continue on. This meant a whole different ball-game - I went from being the military member to being the spouse (my husband graduated ROTC a year before me).

What does being a military spouse mean to me? It means great benefits - health care, tax free shopping, living on post, a constant paycheck. It means great opportunities - tuition assistance, moving all over the country and the world, other programs and activities. It also means missed opportunities - my husband leaves for training every few months, he gets to be deployed this summer, and we've never had a full year together in the 4 years we've been a couple.

I love being a military spouse. I can't believe the wonderful women I've met so far. They are strong willed and strong minded, fun to have around and always ready for advice. It's such a unique and insane community I'm a part of. There's nothing like being a military spouse. It scares me when Brandon does get out because there is certainly not a community like this. Nobody is in the same situation as you. This military community is so unique it rivals all others.

I'm not saying I love being a military spouse all the time. Like I said, my husband leaves all the time. But that's how it works right? I know I've gotten a little thick-skinned when it comes to him leaving. Let's see how this deployment goes, huh? ;)

Anyway, I wish I could write something more insightful, more meaningful, but I'm still trying to figure out what it all means to me. I think it'll take me leaving this community to realize how special it really was to me. As for now, I'm going to try to concentrate on the positives and enjoy being an Army Wife!

Contest #2

This one is easy. The Life of an Army Wife is giving away an Emily Griffin book to one of her commentators! I, of course, am trying. So if you want to give it a try, head on over to her blog.

Oh, and Happy Military Spouse Appreciation Day!!


Goodnight moon said...

Happy Military Spouses Day!!!! Thanks for all YOUR hard work:)

Marissa said...

Great post for Military Spouse Appreciation Day! :)

Christina said...

Good Post! I'm glad you decided to get involved in my competition! :D

I will be adding your link to the entries tomorrow morning. (You're the first entry! Woo!)

Tia said...

Found your blog through the competition... look forward to reading more from you.